NewsNews in Chinese Calligraphy


My dear Qi Gong friends:

In this April newsletter, I would like to share some tips to improve your health and invite you to join our Spring Qi Gong/Tai Chi events (see attachments).  Also I would like you to help us promote our upcoming events by emailing the attached schedule to your contacts. If you are on Facebook and you can post the attached jpeg about Qi Gong and Tai Chi events on your Facebook page, that would help more people to attain good health and happiness through Qi Gong and Tai Chi. In addition, I would like to invite those who have completed the beginner course to attend our ongoing Saturday drop-in class. Practicing Qi Gong in a class setting makes it easier to remember the correct movements and allows you to learn more advanced methods which are even more powerful in improving your health. Practicing Qi Gong with others who are on the same path makes the healing energy from the group much stronger.

According Chinese Medicine, every season of the year has a corresponding Qi and organ, each affecting the body in different ways. Therefore, one must align oneself to the seasons and make sure that they cater to each of the corresponding organs, in order to have a balanced and healthy body. The corresponding quality and organ for spring is the Wood Element and the Liver. The main function of the Liver is to regulate emotions, as well as Qi and blood. Therefore, the Liver is very vulnerable to extreme or continuously held emotions. Anger, stress, frustration, resentment, and other similar moods directly impact the Liver’s  functioning and may cause Liver imbalance. In the same way, an imbalance in the Liver can cause bad emotional states. Thus, Qi Gong places a great amount of importance on controlling emotions and having a peaceful lifestyle.

Qi Gong is a self-healing practice,  a simple, easy and low impact exercise similar to Yoga but with easy stretching and no floor exercises. It uses a set of breathing and meditation techniques to help you release stress and unwanted emotions, improve your confidence, wisdom, happiness, energy, and immune system.  It has the power to heal most of our health complaints.
If you would like to be on our mailing list, please let me know. Don't  hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



Philip Lai, CPA,CMA
President of Philip Lai Qi Gong Association
Certified Naturopath Therapist
Master of Qi Gong and Kung Fu